I often hear managers or HR professionals tell me, “We can't predict workplace violence, especially an active shooter. While I understand this sentiment and agree that it is virtually impossible to predict when someone will randomly walk into a place of work and start shooting, there are often MANY warning signs. Many active shooters will tell others (or post online) about their plan to hurt people, days, weeks, or months leading up to the event. They will make jokes about hurting others or use dark humor to joke about reports of others being killed. If this article is accurate, the gunman in Maine threatened to carry out an attack against a National Guard Base months ago. According to several sources, he spent time receiving mental health care and was hearing voices. While it may be difficult to predict with 100% certainty, it is foolish to say we can't predict deviant behavior... especially when the perpetrator tells us what they plan to do. ALL employees should pay attention to and report these types of clues to authorities or the organization! #workplaceviolence#humanresources#safetywww.hr-safety.com
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